The Feast of Reason holidays offer an alternative to traditional group or package holidays, generally with a focus on food. You can either pick your own dates, or go with a Feast of Reason group.
It’s an easy way to travel with a small group of like-minded people in a relaxed environment while I do all the hard work behind the scenes. Although I plan different activities (eg a meal at an interesting restaurant, guided city walk, or a foraging expedition) there is never any obligation to join in and you always have the choice of being with the group, or doing your own thing.
If you are planning your own trip, I can offer a one-to-one service to help you decide where to go and stay, and what to see. Depending on your requirements I can book the entire trip for you, and oragnise every detail so you don’t have to do anything, or provide advice and information. The areas I know particularly well are the UK, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka but I have experience of travel all over the world, and a network of travel contacts in many different countries.
Recommendations for good restaurants generally form part of your holiday background information, and I can make restaurant bookings, arrange cooking lessons, or put you in touch with other greedy people where you’re going.
Email me on to find out more or discuss your travel plans.